An old favorite of mine, Be Thou My Vision is a traditional hymn from Ireland. The words are based on a Middle Irish poem often attributed to the sixth-century Irish Christian poet Dallán Forgaill. The best-known English version was translated by Eleanor Hull and published in 1912. Since 1919 it has been commonly sung to the Irish folk tune "Slane." Here is an instrumental version which makes use of Celtic flute, fiddle and bagpipes.
According to the YouTube site, the recording artist is Oean Magraw from the album, Morning Has Broken.
"Wayfaring Stranger" is an Appalachian spiritual which some date back to 1784. It was popular among Appalachian revival meetings and was published in Sacred Harp hymnals. The song has been covered by folk, country, and pop artists down through the years. Its plaintive authenticity seems to spur its constant renewal in American culture and on the American music scene.
From the YouTube notes:
This is "Wayfaring Stranger," performed by Little Rock's own Runaway Planet. The video is a compilation of pieces of 1940's Appalachian documentaries stitched together by Fans of Runaway Planet (who happen to be members of the Latchkey Society) interested in doing something for the band, as well as for a private event.